Miriam Frey, D.Min
For Miriam, spiritual awareness began early in life with a yearning for the sacred, which some call God or Divine Love. In recent years, Miriam has paid attention to that sacred seed within each person that yearns to be awakened and released.
In our world most people are lost in busy lives that leave little space to explore the sacred or meaning of life. To counter this tendency, Miriam's passion is to help individuals with their desire to seek self-awareness as a way to wake up to life -- to that which calls us forth.
Miriam works with dreams, the enneagram and silence as tools for awareness and liberation.
For over 35 years Miriam has worked with her own dreams, led dream groups and worked one-on-one with persons interested in attending to their dreams. She understands dreams, in their metaphoric language, to be direct messages from Divine Love.
For 25 years Miriam has been learning about and teaching the enneagram, as a pattern of various personalities as well as a transformative spiritual process. The enneagram, and the tough inner work it invites, has brought freedom and blessing to her life.
Silence and solitude are necessary to notice and nurture the sacred invitations in life. It takes courage and faith to trust the unfolding of life... to cooperate with Divine Love, rather than cling to security or try to control outcomes.
- Treasurer, Mennonite Spiritual Directors of Eastern Canada, www.mennospiritualdirectors.weebly.com
- Steering Committee Coordinator, Dreamwork Canada, www.dreamworkcanada.squarespace.com
- Treasurer, Jubilee Spiritual Accompaniment Initiatives (Ontario Jubilee), www.canadianjubilee.ca
- Supervision in Spiritual Direction (2010), Regis College, Toronto, Ontario
- D.Min in Spiritual Ministry (2003), conjoint degree Regis College, Toronto School of Theology and University of Toronto
- MA in Religion and Culture (1999), Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario
- BA in Psychology (1992), Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario
- Spiritual Guidance Seminar (2000), Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary, Elkhart, Indiana
- Toronto Jubilee Program in Spiritual Direction (2000), Toronto School of Theology and Jubilee Associates
- Enneagram Spectrum & Training program (1999), Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois