Holding A SPACE for another to come into their own deepest truth
CompanioningMiriam offers spiritual companioning:
a) via Skype or Zoom Video call b) via telephone c) in her home in Kitchener, Ontario Phone: 519.501.2084 Email click here. |
what to expectYou set the agenda; you are free to explore whatever aspect of life you want to share.
We can talk, or walk if you prefer. We can explore big questions, like "what brings meaning or purpose to my life." We can experience spiritual practices together or simply appreciate space to be silent. You may want to bring a dream or questions about how the enneagram can be useful to you. |
practical mattersThe first session is free as we explore one another's expectations.
Typically we'll meet for 60 minutes every 4-6 weeks. Cost is $100 per hour (or whatever you can afford) Confidentiality is key. Receipts are available upon request. |